Saturday, January 20, 2007

Brideshead Regurgitated

The Ovation Channel has been screening the digitally-remastered version of the TV "classic" Brideshead Revisited. I've been nestling down with the teddy bear and a few gallons of very fine red to watch it each Wednesday evening - but, my Gawd! How dreary is it? What might have seemed elegeaic in 1981 now just appears comically pompous. We know what happened to Jeremy Irons, but where on earth is Anthony Andrews? Gone to Luvvy Land apparently. I've found this selection of outtakes on YouTube - worth it for scenes of Jeremy chucking a custard pie and Anthony merely chucking.


Blogger Bree A. Dail said...

Just stopped by after catching your blog on
To answer your question on Mr. Andrews--first hand--he never really sought fame like J. Irons--he found himself comfortably challenged mostly on stage. He is a fantastic character actor--my favorite being "The Scarlet Pimpernel".
He just closed a rather tedious drama (tedious because the other actors weren't half his talent--he carried the show) "The Letter" on the West End this summer. I know also from our conversation, that he is working with a very prominent Musical Theatre producer for a new show to hit the West End in the next year. Keep your eye out for him--he's fantastic, charming and an actor for love of the art, not all that star-idol rubbish!

3:40 am  

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