The hunt for the world's great cocktails is exhausting, but I do my best. At right, a photograph of the "Aquatini" I imbibed at Aqua Spirit in Kowloon, Hong Kong, one Typhoon-sodden evening last June. At $25 a pop it's a tad pricey but it
is iced with gold leaf. Re HK: Is there another city in the world that caters so well to the fashion obsessive? If so, I don't know of it. I mean, you can buy individual Armani
chocolates for $6 a piece at Chater House. My advice is go during the famous shopping festival (June through August 31) when the Armani chocolates are still $6 but everything else is discounted up to 80%. You can read my story on shopping pornography in Hong Kong in the December issue of
Australian Gourmet Traveller, out now.
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